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Mon 10am - 6pm, Tues - Fri, 10am - 5pm (Closed Weekends)

Losing Weight


Two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or morbidly obese, and they are trying their best to improve their health, lose the excess weight, or avoid adding more prescriptions to their list. I was among that population at 80 lbs. overweight and on insulin. Now I am at my healthiest weight, with not taking any medications, including insulin, and speaking from experience your body deserves the best nutrients to function properly.

The DOLCrx holistic approach to weight loss has helped me maintain my optimal health for the last 30 years. The personalized plans combined with your commitment is the key to positive health outcomes. We strategically map out your realistic goals with steps to balance your daily activities, because not only do we help you to achieve, but also maintain your optimum health.

There is no “magic gummy taken daily that melts the fat or loses the weight” like you see advertising on the internet. There is a realistic analysis of why you are in your current shape or health condition, and what needs to happen for positive changes.

Your goals are only a meal away, call or email us today to start your journey to better health.

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